Saturday, 18 October 2014

'Just Give Me A Reason' Mission!

Hello lovelies!

I haven't posted in a wee while but I have been thinking a lot about my blog and I have a few ideas floating around my imagination, so keep checking out my blog to see what's coming up!

I have had a rough few days, have been quite tired having to deal with the thoughts and I was in A&E last night until 4am with severe chest pains but I am okay and have been trying to keep myself distracted with some work and playing my guitar.

So I have been thinking, for people who haven't suffered from a mental illness or a mental health difficulty, they sometimes don't realise just how hard it is to find a point. To find a reason to hold on. To see their purpose. To have hope. To have a reason to get out of bed in the morning. We then get asked a lot well what keeps you fighting? And we are told to have hope. Whenever we are struggling this seems like a pretty unrealistic ask, pretty impossible. So I have decided to start a mission, and I hope that I can get some support with this.

Can I ask you to do a favour? A favour for me, a favour for you and a favour for someone to whom you do not yet know.

I would like to hear from all of you why you feel life is worth fighting for. Tell us where you find your hope to persevere. What your purpose is for getting out of bed in the morning.

It may be that you have a goal, a country you want to visit, you may want to get married, start your own business, raise a child, help the suffering, play basketball, grow closer in faith, make dinner for your family, teach a class, eat chocolate, make somebody proud, or simply you have a desire to live life to the fullest to sample all that it can offer.

By sharing your hope, you may give the priceless gift of hope to someone who has very little of it. You have the opportunity tonight to give a hopeless soul a reason to get through the night.

So please join me in my "Just Give Me A Reason" Mission and post on your facebook or twitter or instagram or text somebody saying ..

'I am supporting the "Just Give Me A Reason" Mission by sharing my reason as to how I know life is worth fighting for, please share yours too, #ShareHopeSaveLives ..... *Insert your reason here*

Lets show those in need of a little hope, those who cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel that there is hope and that we're willing to help!

Thankyou so much for the support!

Love E x

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