Saturday, 22 November 2014

Strength, you possess more of it than you think!

"You don't know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have."

I really believe in this quotation.

We constantly doubt our abilities to cope and manage. We look into the future and panic so much that we forget just how amazingly well we are coping with the day we are currently living in. The present moment.

Only now that I'm old enough to have memories, to look back on experiences, am I able to say, 'Gosh if someone told me I had to live through that again, I couldn't." Why? Because we forget the strength that we have in that very moment to cope with the unexpected, even after we have experienced it. That strength only appears when it is needed, we have this really weird way of forgetting how strong we can be.

It's a bit like pain. When we suffer an injury, especially a severe one, we know at that time that the pain feels almost unbearable, however as time goes on, can we remember the exact feeling of how painful it actually was? Nope, most likely, we can't. Think about it, think of a time you were in a lot of pain, you can still say, "Oh my word it was agony", but can you remember the actual feeling of agony? Highly unlikely. For example, when I had my spinal surgery, I know even though I was on at least seven different pain killers, I was in absolute agony. I remember telling a nurse that I was going to die because there was no way a humans level of pain could manage the severity for any longer. Jump forward three and a half years and here I am today. I can tell you it was excruciating, but I cannot remember what it actually felt like. Yes, some strong drugs can interfere but I believe it's our brains protecting us from the memory as it was so excruciating.

This resembles our memory of our levels of strength. We easily forget the strength that we internally possess that only shows when we desperately need it.

Strength endurance and sport endurance are very similar. For both, the more you practice and test yourself, the more you push yourself, the higher your coping levels become. The more hurdles you jump over the larger the obstacles you can overcome in the future. But most importantly for both, you need to be motivated, pick yourself back up after you fall and as cliché as it sounds, believe in yourself.

It takes strength to be you, who you really are, to go where you want to go and achieve what you dream to achieve.

It all starts with a dream, an effort and by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, you will end up achieving the impossible.

Stop doubting your abilities, remember, we forget the strength that we actually possess!

Love, E :) x

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